Peace and serenity

I'd always been one of those people who are not afraid of death, who have no taboos about it. I'd thought about the ways I would and wouldn't like to die several times. But, when the date arrived, I didn't accept it with the peace and serenity I had expected to assume. I freaked out and burst into tears. I clung to life and sunk my teeth into it as the frightened cat I had hidden inside me until that moment. It's a shame that life has not lots of things to hold onto. It's a shame... It was only for a minute, don't blame yourself. But it only took a minute.
I'd never been a confident person, I wish I had learnt to regard myself better. However, I've changed my opinion about the world. I don't keep any bitterness in me anymore. It just gave me the scariest moment I've ever suffered. And then, just peace. And serenity.
When I look behind and I see myself stamping and unable to speak... Maybe, if I had recovered my voice, if I had shouted out... I remember I thought if I weren't to sink soon, I would drown with my own tears. I think they were the most beautiful tears I've ever spilt, they merged into the sea, both salty.
I'm glad it only took a minute. I'm glad you looked back. You held my hand at the end.
And then, just peace. And serenity.
And you.
Just you.

And suddenly, no end, but light.

2 comentarios:

- dijo...

Vaya, ¿dominas el inglés hasta el punto de ser capaz de dejar plasmados tus sentimientos en dicho idioma? Es admirable.
Hubo una vez que yo traté de hacer eso mismo, pero cada frase que escribía me hacía dudar por la estructura, la gramática, el vocabulario... Así que al final quedó en nada.
(Y "I think they were the most beautiful tears I've ever spilt, they merged into the sea, both salty"... Es una preciosa frase, por cierto).


Celia P. dijo...

Muchísimas gracias :''''')